FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS *Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton Allison, Mr. H. J. Allison, Mrs. H. J. and *Maid Allison, Miss L *Allison, Master T. and *Nurse *Anderson, Mr. Harry *Andrews, Miss Cornelia I. Andrews, Mr. Thomas *Appleton, Mrs. E. D. Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon Astor, Colonel J. J. and Manservant *Astor, Mrs. J. J and *Maid *Aubert, Mrs. N. and *Maid *Barkworth, Mr. A. H. Baumann, Mr. J. *Baxter, Mrs. James Baxter, Mr. Quigg Beattie, Mr. T. *Beckwith, Mr. R. L. *Beckwith, Mrs. R. L. *Behr, Mr. K. H. *Bishop, Mr. D. H. *Bishop, Mrs. D. H. Bjornstrom, Mr. H. Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart *Blank, Mr. Henry *Bonnell, Miss Caroline *Bonnell, Miss Lily Borebank, Mr. J. J. *Bowen, Miss *Bowerman, Miss Elsie Brady, Mr. John B. Brandeis, Mr. E. *Brayton, Mr. George Brewe, Dr Arthur Jackson *Brown, Mrs. J. J. *Brown, Mrs. J. M. *Bucknell, Mrs. W. and *Maid Butt, Major Archibald W. *Calderhead, Mr. E. P. *Candee, Mrs. Churchill *Cardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and Maid *Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and manservant Carlson, Mr. Frank Carran, Mr. F. M. Carran, Mr. J. P. *Carter, Mr. William E. *Carter, Mrs. William E. and Maid *Carter, Miss Lucile *Carter, Master William T. and Manservant Case, Mr. Howard B. *Cassebeer, Mrs. H. A. Cavendish, Mr. T.W. *Cavendish, Mrs. T. W. and *Maid Chaffee, Mr. Herbert F. *Chaffee, Mrs. Herbert F. *Chambers, Mr. N. C. *Chambers, Mrs. N. C. *Cherry, Miss Gladys *Chevre, Mr. Paul *Chibnafl, Mrs. E. M. Bowerman Chisholm, Mr. Robert Clark, Mr. Walter M. *Clark, Mrs. Walter M. Clifford, Mr. George Quincy Colley, Mr. E. P. *Compton, Mrs. A. T. *Compton, Miss S. P. Compton, Mr. A. T., Jr. *Cornell, Mrs. R. G. Crafton, Mr. John B. Crosby, Mr. Edward G. *Crosby, Mrs. Edward G. *Crosby, Miss Harriet Cummings, Mr. John Bradley *Cummings, Mrs. John Bradley *Daly, Mr. P. D. *Daniel, Mr. Robert W. Davidson, Mr. Thornton *Davidson, Mrs. Thornton *de Villiers, Mrs. B. *Dick, Mr. A. A. *Dick, Mrs. A. A. *Dodge, Dr. Washington *Dodge, Mrs. Washington *Dodge, Master Washington *Douglas, Mrs. F. C. Douglas, Mr. W. D. *Douglas, Mrs. W. D. and Maid Dulles, Mr. William C. *Earnshew, Mrs. Boulton *Endres, Miss Caroline *Eustis, Miss E. M. Evans, Miss E. *Flegenheim, Mrs. A. *Flynn, Mr. J. I. Foreman, Mr. B. L. Fortune, Mr. Mark Fortune, Mrs. Mark *Fortune, Miss Ethel *Fortune, Miss Alice *Fortune, Miss Mabel Fortune, Mr. Charles Franklin, Mr. T. P. *Frauenthal Mr. T. G. *Frauenthal, Dr. Henry W. *Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry W. *Frolicher, Miss Marguerite Futrelle, Mr. J. *Futrelle, Mrs. J. Gee, Mr. Arthur *Gibson, Mrs. L. *Gibson, Miss D. Giglio, Mr. Victor *Goldenberg, Mr. S. L. *Goldenberg, Mrs. S. L Goldschmidt, Mrs. George B. *Gordon, Sir Cosmo Duff *Gordon, Lady Duff and *Maid *Gracie, Colonel Archibald Graham, Mr. *Graham, Mrs William G *Graha, Miss Margaret *Greenfield, Mrs. L. D. *Greenfield, Mrs. W. B. Guggenheim, Mr Benjamin *Harder, Mr. George A. *Harder, Mrs. George A. *Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper and *Manservant *Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper Harris, Mr. Henry B. *Harris, Mrs. Henry B. Harrison, Mr. W. H. *Haven, Mr. H. *Hawksford, Mr. W. J. Hays, Mr. Charles M. *Hays, Mrs. Charles M. and maid *Hays, Miss Margaret Head, Mr. Christopher Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry Hipkins, Mr. W. E. *Hippach, Mrs. Ida S. *Hippach, Miss Jean *Hogeboom, Mrs. John C. Holverson, Mr. A. O. *Holverson, Mrs. A. O. *Hoyt, Mr. Frederick M. *Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick M. Holt, Mr. W. F. Isham, Mrs. A. E. *Ismay, Mr. J. Bruce and Manservant Jakob, Mr. Birnbaum Jones, Mr. C. C Julian, Mr. H. F. Kent, Mr. Edward A. Kenyon, Mr. F. R. *Kenyon, Mrs. F. R. *Kimball, Mr. E. N. *Kimball, Mrs. E. N. Klaber, Mr. Herman Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows *Leader, Mrs. F. A. Lewy, Mr. E. G. *Lindstroem, Mrs. J. *Lines, Mrs. Ernest H. *Lines, Miss Mary C. Lingrey Mr Edward Long, Mr.. Milton C. *Langley, Miss Gretchen F. Loring, Mr. J. H. *Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra Maguire, Mr. J. E. *Marechal, Mr. Pierre Marvin, Mr. D. W. *Marvin, Mrs. D. W. McCaffry. Mr. T. McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J. *McGough, Mr. J. R. Meyer, Mr. Edgar J. *Meyer, Mrs. Edgar J. Millet, Mr. Frank D. Missahan, Dr. W. E. *Missahan, Mrs. W. B. *Missahan, Miss Daisy *Moch, Mr. Pkdtp E. Moch, Mr. Phillip E. Molson, Mr. H. Markland Moore, Mr. Clarence and Manservant Natsch, Mr. Charles Newell, Mr. A. W. *Newell, Miss Alice *Newell, Miss Madeline *Newsom, Miss Helen Nicholson, Mr. A. S. *Omont, Mr. F. Ostby, Mr. E. C *Ostby, Miss Helen R. Ovies, Mr. S. Parr, Mr. M. H. W. Partner, Mr. Austin Payne, Mr. V. Pears, Mr. Thomas *Pears, Mrs. Thomas Penasco, Mr. Victor *Penasco, Mrs. Victor and Maid *Peuchen, Major Arthur Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain *Potter, Mrs. Thomas, Jr. Reuchlin, Mr. Jonkheer, J. G. *Rheims, Mr. George *Robert, Mrs. Edward S. and *Maid Roebling, Mr. Washington A., 2nd *Rolmane, Mr. C. Rood, Mr. Hugh R. *Rosenbaum, Miss Ross, Mr. J. Hugo *Rothes, the Countess of and *Maid Rothschild, Mr. M. *Rothschild, Mrs. M. Rowe, Mr. Alfred Ryerson, Mr. Arthur *Ryerson, Mrs. Arthur and *Maid *Ryerson, Miss Emily *Ryerson, Miss Susan *Ryerson, Master Jack *Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe *Schabert, Mrs. Paul *Seward, Mr. Frederick K. *Shutes, Miss E. W. *Silverthorne, Mr. S. V. Silvey, Mr. William B. *Silvey, Mrs. William B. *Simonius, Mr. Oberst Altons *Sloper, Mr. William T. Smart, Mr. John M. Smith, Mr. J. Clinch Smith, Mr. R. W. Smith, Mr. L P. *Smith, Mrs. L P. *Snyder, Mr. John *Snyder, Mrs. John *Soloman, Mr. A. L. *Spedden, Mr. Frederick O. *Spedden, Mrs. Frederick O. and *Maid *Spedden, Master R. Douglas and *Nurse Spencer, Mr. W. A. *Spencer, Mrs. W. A. and Maid *Stahelin, Dr. Max Stead, Mr. W. T. *Steffanson, B. B. *Steffanon, H. B. *Stehli, Mr. Max Frolicher *Stehli, Mrs. Max Frolicher *Stengel, Mr. C. E. H. *Stengel, Mrs. C. E. H. Stewart, Mr. A. A. *Stone, Mrs. George M. and *Maid Straus, Mr. Isidor and Manservant Straus, Mrs. Isidor and *Maid Sutton, Mr. Frederick *Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel Taussig, Mr. Emil *Taussig, Mrs. Emil *Taussig, Miss Ruth *Taylor, Mr. E. Z *Taylor, Mrs. E. Z. Thayer, Mr. J. B. *Thayer, Mrs. J. B. and *Maid *Thayer, Mr. J. B., Jr. Thorne, Mr. G. *Thorne, Mrs. G. *Tucker, Mr. G. M., Jr. Uruchurtu, Mr. M. R. Van der Hoef, Mr. Wyckoff Walker, Mr. W. Anderson Warren, Mr. F. M. *Warren, Mrs. F. M. *Weir, Mr. J. White, Mr. Percival W. White, Mr. Richard F. *White, Mrs. J. Stuart and *Maid and Manservant Wick, Mr. George D. *Wick, Mrs. George D. *Wick, Miss Mary Widener, Mr. George D. and Manservant *Widener, Mrs. George D. and *Maid Widener, Mr.. Harry *Willard, Miss Constance Williams, Mr. Duane *Williams, Mr. R. N., Jr. *Woolner, Mr. Hugh Wright, Mr. George *Young, Miss Marie | SECOND CLASS PASSENGERS Abelson, Mr. Samson *Abelson, Mrs. Hanna Aldworth, Mr. C. Andrew, Mr. Edgar Andrew, Mr. Frank Angle, Mr. William *Angle, Mrs. Ashby, Mr. John Baily, Mr. Percy Baimbridge, Mr. Chas. R. *Balls, Mrs. Ada E. Banfield, Mr. Frederick J. Bateman, Mr. Robert J. *Beane, Mr. Edward *Beane, Mrs. Ethel Beauchamp, Mr. H. J. *Becker, Mrs. A. O. and *three children *Beesley, Mr. Lawrence *Bentham, Miss Lilian W. Berriman, Mr. William Botsford, Mr. W. Hull Bowenur, Mr. Solomon Bracken, Mr. Jas. H. Brito, Mr. Jose de *Brown, Miss Mildred Brown, Mr. S. Brown, Mrs. *Brown, Miss E. Bryhl, Mr. Curt *Bryhl, Miss Dagmar *Buss, Miss Kate Butler, Mr. Reginald Byles, Rev.nomas R. D. *Bystrom, Miss Karolina *Caldwell, Mr. Albert F. *Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia *Caldwell, Master Alden G. *Cameron, Miss Clear Carbines, Mr. William Carter, Rev. Ernest C. Carter, Mrs. Lillian Chapman, Mr. John H. Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman, Mr. Charles *Christy, Mrs. Alice *Christy, Miss Juli Clarke, Mr. Charles V. *Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria Coleridge, Mr. R. C. Collander, Mr. Erik *Collett, Mr. Stuart Collyer, Mr. Harvey *Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte *Collyer, Miss Marjorie Corbett, Mrs. Irene Corey, Mrs. C. P. Cotterill, Mr. Harry Davies, Mr. Charles *Davis, Mrs. Agnes *Davis, Master John M. *Davis, Miss Mary Deacon, Mr. Percy del Carlo, Mr. Sebastian del Carlo, Mrs. Denbou, Mr. Herbert Dibden, Mr. William *Doling, Mrs. Ada *Doling, Miss Elsie Downton, Mr. William J. *Drachstedt, Baron von Drew, Mr. James V. *Drew, Mrs. Lulu *Drew, Master Marshall *Duran, Miss Florentina *Duran, Miss Asimcion Eitemiller, Mr. G. F. Enander, Mr. Ingvar Fahlstrom Mr. Arne J. Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry *Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie Fillbrook, Mr. Charles Fox, Mr. Stanley H. Funk, Miss Annie Fynney, Mr. Jos. Gale, Mr. Harry Gale, Mr. Shadrach *Garside, Miss Ethel Gaskell, Mr. Alfred Gavey, Mr. Lawrence Gilbert, Mr. William Giles, Mr. Edgar Giles, Mr. Fred Giles, Mr. Ralph Gill, Mr. John Gillespie, Mr. William Givard, Mr. Hans K. Greenberg, Mr. Samuel Hale, Mr. Reginald *Hamalainer, Mrs. Anna and *Infant Harbeck, Mr. Wm. H. Harper, Mr. John *Harper, Miss Nina *Harris, Mr. George Harris, Mr. Walter Hart, Mr. Benjamin *Hart, Mrs. Esther *Hart, Miss Eva *Herman, Miss Alice *Herman, Mrs. Jane *Herman, Miss Kate Herman, Mr. Samuel *Hewlett, Mrs. Mary D. Hickman, Mr. Leonard Hickman, Mr. Lewis Hickman, Mr. Stanley Hiltunen, Miss Martha Hocking, Mr. George *Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth *Hocking, Miss Nellie Hocking, Mr. Samuel J. Hodges, Mr. Henry P. Hoffman, Mr. and *two children (Loto and Louis) *Hold, Mrs. Annie Hold, Mr. Stephen Hood, Mr. Ambrose *Hosono, Mr. Masabumi Howard, Mr. Benjamin Howard, Mrs. Ellen T. Hunt, Mr. George *Ilett, Miss Bertha *Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy P. Jacobsohn Mr. Sidney S. Jarvis, Mr. John D. Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Jenkin, Mr. Stephen *Jervan, Mrs. A. T. *Kantor, Mrs. Miriam Kantor, Mr. Sehua Karnes, Mrs. J. F. Keane, Mr. Daniel *Keane, Miss Nora A. *Kelly, Mrs. F. Kirkland, Rev. Charles L Kvillner, Mr. John Henrik *Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna Lahtinen, Mr. William Lamb, Mr. J. J. *Lamore, Mrs. Ameliar Laroche, Mr. Joseph *Laroche, Mrs. Juliet *Laroche, Miss Louise *Laroche, Miss Simonne *Lehman, Miss Bertha *Leitch, Miss Jessie Levy, Mr. R. J. Leyson, Mr. Robert W. N. Lingan, Mr. John Louch, Mr. Charles *Louch, Mrs. Alice Adela Mack, Mrs. Mary Malachard, Mr. Noel Mallet, Mr. A. *Mallet, Mrs. *Mallet, Master A. Mangiavacchi, Mr. Emilio Mantvila, Mr. Joseph Marshall, Mr. *Marshall, Mrs. Kate Matthews, Mr. W. J. Maybery, Mr. Frank H. McCrae, Mr. Arthur G. McCrie, Mr. James McKane, Mr. Peter D. *Mellers, Mr. William *Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth and *Child Meyer, Mr. August Milling, Mr. Jacob C. Mitchell, Mr. Henry Morawick, Dr. Ernest Mudd, Mr. Thomas C. Myles, Mr. Thomas F. Nasser, Mr. Nicolas *Nasser, Mrs. Nesson, Mr. Israel Nicholls, Mr. Joseph C. Norman, Mr. Robert D. *Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth Otter, Mr. Richard *Oxenham, Mr. P. Thomas *Padro, Mr. Julian Pain, Dr. Alfred *Pallas, Mr. Emilio Parker, Mr. Clifford R. *Parrish, Mrs. L Davis Pengelly, Mr. Frederick Pernot, Mr. Rene Peruschitz, Rev. Jos. M. Phillips, Mr. Robert *Phillips, Miss Alice *Pinsky, Miss Rosa Ponesell, Mr. Martin *Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Pulbaun, Mr. Frank *Quick, Mrs. Jane *Quick, Miss Vera W. *Quick, Miss Phyllis Reeves, Mr. David Renouf, Mr. Peter H. *Renouf, Miss Lillie *Reynolds, Miss E. Richard, Mr. Emile *Richards, Mrs. Emily *Richards, Master William *Richards, Master George *Ridsdale, Miss Lucy Rogers, Mr. Harry *Rogers, Miss Selina *Rugg, Miss Emily Sedgwick, Mr. C. F. W. Sharp, Mr. Percival *Shelley, Mrs. Imanita *Silven, Miss Lyyli *Sincook, Miss Maude *Sinkkenen, Miss Anna Sjostedt, Mr. Ernest A. *Slayter, Miss H. M. Slemen, Mr. Richard J. Smith, Mr. Augustus *Smith, Miss Marion Sobey, Mr. Hayden Stanton, Mr. S. Ward Stokes, Mr. Phillip J. Swane, Mr. George Sweet, Mr. George *Toomey, Miss Ellen *Trant, Miss Jessie Tronpiansky, Mr. Moses A. *Troutt, Miss E. Celia Tupin, M. Dorothy Turpin, Mr. William J. Veale, Mr. James *Walcroft, Miss Nellie *Ware, Mrs. Florence L Ware, Mr. John James Ware, Mr. William J. *Watt, Miss Bertha *Watt, Mrs. Bessie *Webber, Miss Susie Weisz, Mr. Leopold *Weisz, Mrs. Matilda *Wells, Mrs. Addie *Wells, Miss J. *Wells, Master Ralph West, Mr. E. Arthur *West, Mrs. Ada *West, Miss Barbara *West, Miss Constance Wheadon, Mr. Edward Wheeler, Mr. Edwin | THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS BRITISH SUBJECTS EMBARKED AT SOUTHAMPTON Abbott, Eugene *Abbott, Rosa Abbott, Rossmore Abbing, Anthony Adams. J. *Aks, Filly *Aks, Leah Alexander, William Allen, William Allum, Owen G. *Badman, Emily Barton David Beavan, W. T. Billiard, A. van Billiard, James (child) Billiard, Walter (child) *Bing, Lee Bowen, David Braund, Lewis Braund, Owen Brocklebank, William Cann, Erenst Carver, A. Celotti, Francesco *Chip, Chang Christmann, Emil *Cohen, Gurshon Cook, Jacob Corn, Harry *Coutts, Winnie *Coutts, William (child) *Coutts, Leslie (child) Coxon, Daniel Crease, Ernest James Cribb, John Hatfield *Cribb, Alice *Dahl, Charles Davies, Evan Davies, Alfred Davies, John Davies, Joseph Davison, Thomas H. *Davison, Mary Dean, Mr. Bertram F. *Dean, Mrs. Hetty *Dean, Bertran (child) *Dean, Vera (infant) Dennis, Samuel Dennis, William *Derkings, Edward *Dowdell, Elizabeth *Drapkin, Jenie *Dugemin, Joseph Elsbury, James *Emanuel, Ethet (child) Everett, Thomas J. *Foo, Choong Ford, Arthur Ford, Margaret Ford, Mrs. D. M. Ford, Mr. E. W. Ford, M. W. T. N. Ford, Maggie (child) Franklin, Charles Garthfirth, John Gilinski, Leslie *Godwin, Frederick Goldsmith, Frank J. *Goldsmith, Emily A. *Goldsmith, Frank J. W. Goodwin, Augusta Goodwin, Lillian A. Goodwin, Charles E. Goodwin, William F. (child) Goodwin, Jessie (child) Goodwin, Harold (child) Goodwin, Sidney (child) Green, George Guest, Robert Harknett, Alice Harmer, Abraham *Hee, Ling *Howard, May *Hyman, Abraham Johnston, A. G. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston, William (child) Johnston, Mrs. C. H. (child) Johnson, Mr. A. Johnson, Mr. W. Keefe, Arthur Kelly, James *Lam, Ali Lam, Len *Lang, Fang Leonard, Mr. L Lester, J. Ling, Lee Lithman, Simon Lobb, Cordelia Lobb, William A. Lockyer, Edward Lovell, John MacKay, George W. Maisner, Simon McNamee, Eileen McNamee, Neal Meanwell, Marian O. Meek, Annie L. Meo, Alfonso Miles, Frank *Moor, Beile *Moor, Meier Moore, Leonard C. Morley, William Moutal, Rahamin Murdlin, Joseph Nancarrow, W. H. Niklasen, Sander Nosworthy, Richard C. Peacock, Alfred Peacodc., Treasteall Peacock, Treasteall (child) Pearce, Ernest Peduzzi, Joseph Perkin, John Henry Peterson, Marius Potchett, George |
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